Dear Parent:
In case you are unfamiliar with the school’s policy on the administration of medication to students by school personnel, we would like to bring you up to date on this matter. There is not always a school nurse on duty at school, and in her absence the office staff (or their substitutes) will be giving the medication.
If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including (OTC) over-the-counter drugs, you have the following choices:
You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the appointed time.
You may obtain a copy of a medication permission slip from the school office. Complete the form by listing the medication(s) needed, dosage and number of times per day the medication is to be administered and provide the medication.
You may discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule for administering medication. (eg., outside of school hours).
OTC drugs can be given 3 consecutive days only.
School personnel will not administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by the parent/guardian, and the medication has been received in the original container, appropriately labeled, and FDA approved, Medication purchased in a foreign country will not be labeled, and FDA approved. Medication purchased in a foreign country will not be given. Any change in dosage or medication must be accompanied by a written permission slip and properly labeled. In fairness to those giving the medication and to protect the safety of your child, there will be no exceptions to this policy.
Forsan ISD does not provide medication for student use, including Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, Neosporin, and cough drops. Anything you need administered needs to be provided by the parent/guardian.
We will have the following basic items available: mints, band aids, Vaseline, ice, alcohol pads, salt (for mouth rinse), contact solution, sterile lubricant eye drops and feminine pads.
If you have any questions about the policy, or other issues related to the administration of medication in the schools, please contact the school nurse at Forsan Elementary 432-457-0091 ext. 209 before 12:00 p.m. or Forsan JH/HS 432-457-2223 ext. 821 after 1:00 p.m
Thank you for your cooperation,
Kaci Wash